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文章来源: | 发布时间:2016-10-10 | 【打印】 【关闭】 浏览:

2015.10.19 学术讲座 

Nicolas Beukes教授:1.Genesis and Paleoenvironmental Significance of Four Major Iron Formation”;2.Genesis of BIF-hosted High-grade Hematite Iron Ore Deposits Worldwide 

2015.11.3-4 学术讲座 

Roberto P. Xavier教授:“Paleoproterozoic granite-hosted gold systems of the Alta Floresta Province, Amazon Craton 

Gustavo H. C.博士:“Evolution and genesis of the giant Salobo IOCG deposit, Carajás Mineral Province (Brazil): constraints from hydrothermal alteration and U-Pb geochronology 

2015.11.5 学术讲座 

Dash Batulzii教授:1. Geology and geochemistry of the Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks in eastern Mongolia”;2. The layered gabbroids in the northern part of Mongolia and emplacement setting 

Richard J. Goldfarb教授:1.Orogenic Gold: Regional Perspectives, Space-Time Correlations, and Changing Definition”;2.Are There Carlin Deposits in China? 



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